Saturday, February 11, 2012


Untitled 2012-4    18" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas
Things seem to be coming together in my painting practice.  The process of painting layer over layer is actually becoming more enjoyable and I am realizing that my process is one of "painting over" so to speak, until there is an end to the "painting over"...if that makes sense at all  :o) ..... I have discovered something about my work that I call "the rhythm".  The "painting over" process is actually a search to find the "rhythm", and when I do finally find this co-called "rhythm", then there seems to be an end in sight to the "painting over".  I'm not sure if any of this makes sense..I am still contemplating it all.....  I also just want to say thanks for all the encouragement I have received from my dear blogger friends....your kind words really mean a lot to me!!! XO


Numinosity said...

I think you're on the right track with the layers of painting and letting go, trusting the process. The rhythm becomes a meditation and that's a good thing.
thanks for stopping by today.
xoxo Kim

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Congratulations...always nice to find a place where the process is working. Beautiful piece!

ArtPropelled said...

I think that is what is so hard about getting back to work after a break. You have to find the rhythm all over again. Glad you have found your rhythm Cynthia. You are producing beautiful work.

layers said...

I agree with Robyn (art propelled)... it is hard to get back to work.. finding that rhythm.. and you are doing the right thing.. painting and painting.

Carole Reid said...

Nice rhythm Cynthia! Beautiful colours too.

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

It's so much easier for me to find rhythm with paper than paint, yet I love to paint. But with paint, I'm still stuck at the Paper-Towel-It-Off-Before-It-Dries stage, alas. I like your colors and swirls. I can imagine feeling rhythmic in the creation.

Barry said...

CM - what a creative and calming way to think about the layering of colour - find a rhythm and texture and colour and stopping when it feel right. B

Inari K. said...

Beautiful -- and interesting!!